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Poultry Meat Production on our Farm

Our Cornish Cross meat birds are raised exclusively on pasture. Our birds are moved in their mobile hoop house – the hoop house is moved 1-2 times a day within a larger day range paddock enclosed in 100’ long Premier 1 electric netting. The paddock is moved every few days to a week or so, the older and larger the birds get, the more mess they make and the more often they need to be moved. They get constant access to grass and bugs and fresh air during the day, and stay inside the hoop house safe from predators at night with the double protection offered by the electric netting and the tractor.

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Goat Products at our Farm

As is the case with many of our farm products, our homemade soap sprang from a desire to use clean, natural ingredients to boost our own health, and control the content of what we put on our skin. We wanted a chemical-free option for the bar soaps in the shower, and the liquid soap at the sink.

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