Our Story


We are absolutely delighted you are interested in learning more about us and our farm.  Here is a little info about both… 

My wife Heather and I met at our church back in 2014 or so.   We began dating in 2017, and a year later, we were married.  The Lord knew exactly what He was doing when He brought us both together by His sovereign grace.  Heather is indeed my soul-mate.

Heather is originally from from Waverly Hall, Georgia and grew up farming. I grew up in Birmingham, AL and my only experience of farm life was having cats and dogs as pets. 

Our desire to cultivate a farm for ourselves stems from the culmination of a few factors - our dedication to our faith, me being diagnosed with Hashimotos (a thyroid disorder), and feeding our cats a more natural, raw meat diet. These factors, and the ensuing degrading of my health, led us down a rabbit hole of the importance of taking control of one’s own health – partly through proper nutrition.  

So we began cleaning up our diet, trying to stay away from processed foods and eating what we call “cleaner” foods, a fancy way of saying non-processed foods that contain vital nutrients.   

Providing these cleaner foods would require a shift in our mindset, which would then cause a shift in practices. In this case, we had a massive shift in what it means to farm more naturally and economically than what conventional farming had to offer.

We believe there is a better way to farm than the conventional method - one without fertilizers and pesticides. We can farm in such a way that allows us to work with the land instead of against it.   This method of farming, in case you never heard of it, goes by many names, not the least of which is regenerative agriculture.  

In regenerative ag the soil microbes, probably the most important aspect of any farming enterprise, can do what they do best – take the nutrients from the dead plants above and convert that to rebuilding soil below. 

Plants live and die; the plant matter coupled with manure and all the biological processes breaking that material down, is then converted to organic matter, which enriches the soil to only repeat the process over and over again. Our job as farmers is to facilitate this process the best way we can.

Currently, we are attempting this style of farming at my inlaws property. Our vision is due to continue soon on a beautiful 100 acre property we have purchased not too far away. More to come on that soon.

 We believe regenerative farming is the way to go to build a long-term profitable farming enterprise, and to provide good, clean food for both ourselves and for our community.  But we cannot do this without one key component – YOU!  You, as a potential customer, are whom we want to serve through our farming style.  We desire to bring you the very best of our clean, nutrient-dense food – whether meat, fruits, or vegetables – and do so in a way that is cost effective for you while also supporting our livelihood as your local farmers.

Our prayer is that you will allow us to be just that for you…

Thank you for reading.


Skip & Heather Kizzire