Egg Production at our Farm

Our laying hens are raised entirely on pasture.  Here, the hens forage for bugs, grass, clover, and anything else they can lay a beak on.  They are fed a non-GMO layer feed, which is fermented.  We use apple cider vinegar, whey, or even pear juice or another fermented juice in their feed.  We believe, and some research suggests, that fermented feed may increase egg production, and may also save in feed costs (though we have not determined that definitively in our case). For broilers, here is a technical article regarding fermented feed benefits.  I would encourage you to do your own research on this – the internet offers a wealth of info.

They roost in a mobile chickshaw, which is moved daily within their paddock of various sizes; their paddock being moved 1-2x a week. 

Skip feeding chickens their fermented feed.

Skip feeding chickens their fermented feed.

The Best Nest Box™ in action!

The Best Nest Box™ in action!

Again, their paddock is composed of moveable electric netting – 100-200’ in length – in either a circular or rectangular pattern. The chickshaw utilizes the Best Nest Box™ that allows the egg, once layed, to roll down a gentle slope in an aluminum closure down to a tray where the chickens cannot peck them.  And the eggs also stay cleaner this way!

Our birds are managed intensively on pasture, which is a fancy way of saying we spend a lot of time moving these birds around to spread out their manure and give them access to fresh forage.  They also enjoy digging through the cow patties in the pasture, which spreads out that manure as well so the pasture may more readily benefit from the influx of nutrients.  

The hens also enjoy a good dust bath.  Needless to say, there are more holes in the pasture with chickens than there are without them.    But we don’t mind!

Time to move the mobile coop!

Time to move the mobile coop!

Our current flock of laying hens is composed of 3 different breeds, white leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and our fave, Novogen Browns.    All 3 are fairly social but the Novogens are exponentially so.  They love to be a part of whatever we are doing inside their paddock.  And they are excellent foragers on pasture!

Given the management intensive style of our pastured poultry layer operation, and given the fact we value-add fermented feed to our flock, we charge $5/dozen for our delicious, nutrient-dense eggs.  We believe you will love the taste of them and will come to value them just as we do!


The 6:3:4™ of Regenerative Agriculture


Poultry Meat Production on our Farm